
Music Night with High School Musicians

The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) held another Music Night at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) near Central DuPage Hospital in Winfield, IL on Thursday, July 6, 2017.  A volunteer from Metea High School, Roveena, organized a group  of nine musicians from two schools - Metea & Neuqua High Schools.

The high school musicians played a variety of instruments and songs for the young patients and their families staying at the RMH.   Four sets were performed including: a horn trio featuring Naman, Devin, and Tyler; a string quartet with Nikita and James on violins, Kristen on cello and Arjun on viola; Anisha singing a capella in Italian and then playing the piano while singing an inspirational piece by songwriter Pink; and closing with Roveena doing a beautiful piece on piano, “River Flows in You”.  

The students’ performances were great and we thank them for volunteering their musical talents and bringing joy to the residents of the RMH in Winfield, IL. 



Sharing Alyssa’s Story @ i.c.stars - Chicago, IL

On Friday, June 30, 2017, Yoli shared Alyssa’s inspiring story of hope with the students of i.c.stars.  i.c.stars is a project-based learning and full immersion teaching program that provides an opportunity for young adults to develop skills in business and technology.

A previous i.c.stars participant, Martina (who now works at the same firm as Yoli), volunteered to assist as a photographer for the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope Benefit Recital last May.  Yoli told Martina about the 501(c)(3) Young Adult Cancer Foundation she founded in December 2014 after 5 months of Alyssa’s passing to her eternal life.  Martina, in turn, told Yoli about the i.c.stars leading to Yoli’s presentation to the young adults there.

She shared with them how Alyssa was diagnosed with leukemia and, despite her condition during her chemo treatments, Alyssa’s beautiful spirit touched all those who met her.  Alyssa loved music and the creative arts and continued to pursue her dreams while struggling with her illness.  Yoli’s message touched many of the students at i.c.stars as evidenced by their conversations following her presentation.

Our vision of the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope is to sustain and strengthen the interests of young adult cancer patients in the musical and visual arts by helping them to express their creativeness in the arts.  We strive to help them enjoy life while in treatment and focus on the healing power of creativity and self-expression.  In this effort to touch the lives of patients, our Foundation shares similar goals with the social mission of i.c.stars to positively impact young people from challenged backgrounds.

We wish the i.c.stars participants success in their new endeavors as they complete their training program.  We look forward to continued opportunities to work with these new leaders and to make our communities better every day.



Art Night at RMH near Loyola Medical Center, Hines, IL

Art Night was hosted by Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope at the RMH near Loyola Medical Center, Hines, IL. 

Several families staying at the house participated in the acrylic painting activity.  Jim, his wife and his children Justin (13) and Jalene (8) were happy to select a wood piece to paint.  A grandma with her two grandsons, Lacy (13) and David (9) also participated in the acrylic painting project.  Another grandma, Lois, and her 3 grandchildren-Maverick (9), Xander (7) and Harley (5) also participated and all had a great time. 

We just love every opportunity to bring joy and hope to all the children and families staying at a Ronald McDonald House.



Alyssa SAKs & Musical Instruments Donated to AbilityLab

The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope delivered 20 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) to the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab on Friday, June 2, 2017.  In March 2017, the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago (RIC) evolved to become the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.  The SAKs we delivered consisted of various art materials such as paints, colored pencils and canvas paper.  Mary Jane Johnson-Advisory Board member & Yoli Alvin-AAFH President were honored to make this first donation of the SAKs along with a few musical instruments.

We met Wills McKenna, the Music Therapist, and he told us how he works with young patients who are interested in expressing themselves through music.  Wills met us on his day off to receive the musical instruments which included an acoustic guitar, a lime green Ukulele and two electronic Yamaha keyboards along with the 20 Alyssa SAKs.  Wills expressed his gratitude to receive the donated music and art kits on behalf of the AbilityLab. 

The Alyssa SAKs will be available for teens and young adults between the ages of 10 and 21 receiving treatment at the AbilityLab.   

We thanked Wills for meeting with us and for accepting this donation.  We are grateful for the opportunity to share Alyssa’s love of art and music and to promote our programs offered by Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope!



Acoustic Guitar Surprise for Ailani

Ailani is an 11 year old girl who was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, IL in February 2016.  She lives in Aurora, IL with her Mom, Dad and younger brother.  Ailani’s Mom, Mireya, told us Ailani was diagnosed with Osteosarcoma when she turned 10 years old.  Ailani told her Mom something felt odd and that her legs felt weak and they then took her to the hospital.  Ailani started treatment at Rush Medical Center, and it is there where she started participating in art.  Prior to this, Ailani never had any interest in art before in her life.  Ailani learned how to paint with acrylics and looked forward to going to the hospital as an opportunity for her to draw.  Art was something positive and fun for her to focus on during all the struggles she had to go through.

Another interesting thing is that a music therapist came to her hospital room and started teaching her how to play the acoustic guitar and they would also sing together.  After a while, Ailani asked her mom if she could get her own acoustic guitar so she could learn to play.  Ailani enjoys composing her own songs.  Because of the big C, she got in touch with her artistic side. Mireya said, “It's organizations like Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope that make these things possible for children like my daughter to explore interests in music and art, for that, I thank you.”

On Friday, May 12, 2017 Mary Jane Johnson-AAFH Board Member and Yoli-President of AAFH drove to Ailani’s house to deliver her new acoustic guitar.  Ailani was surprised and very happy to receive her new guitar.  We hope Ailani enjoys playing her new acoustic guitar and composing music many years to come. 



3rd Annual Music Benefit Recital

Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) held its 3rd Annual Music Benefit Recital on May 7, 2017 at Geneva High School where Alyssa graduated from.  The recital was hosted by Ashlee and Glen Schneider who are both on the AAFH Board. Ashlee was Alyssa’s piano teacher for ten years beginning when Alyssa turned 4.

This year’s Benefit Recital featured students from Ashlee’s studio, Glen’s Matea Valley High School and Geneva High School.   The musicians played a variety of music from classical artists such as Bach, Chopin, Mozart and a beautiful piano arrangement called "River Flows in You" by Yiruma played by Ashlee and Glen’s daughter, Corrine.

A gift request of an acoustic guitar is being honored for our latest recipient, Ailani Banuelos, an 11 year old girl being treated with Osteosarcoma at Rush Medical Center in Chicago, IL.  Ailani was invited to attend and receive her guitar, however, due to another commitment, she was not able to attend.  Mireya, Ailani’s mother, wrote a brief email informing us that Ailani received one of Alyssa’s Starter Art Kits (SAKs) during one of her admittances to Rush Hospital.  Mireya said, “What your Foundation does is amazing!”.   Mireya went on to tell us that when Ailani started treatment she began drawing art, something she never had any interest in before.  Ailani learned how to paint with acrylics and looked forward to going to the hospital as an opportunity for her to draw.  Art was something positive and fun for her to focus on during all the struggles she had to go through.

Thank you to all the musicians who participated in this year’s music recital to benefit the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope and the dedicated volunteers who helped secure the GHS auditorium – Julie Lawrence (GHS Orchestra Director) and Mr. Neal Shipton-GHS Band Director), our photographer - Martina Josimovska, and the bakers – Mary Jane, Julie Dalpiaz and Chris Coconate. 



Court & Country Vocal Ensemble Brings Joy to RMH – Loyola Medical Center

Court & Country Vocal Ensemble performed at RMH near Loyola Medical Center in Hines, IL on Sunday, April 30, 2017.  A total of 9 members of the ensemble attended- 3 Sopranos: Sharon Spanogle (Director), Kerri-Ellen Kelly (Manager) and Wendy Richardson (Yoli’s co-worker); 3 Baritones: Keith Rohrer, David Ordeonez and David Bannister; 2 Altos: Carrie Dahlby and Deb Kinnard; and 1 Tenor: Betsey Langan.

Their performance included titles such as “Elle Mo’adei” composed by Salmone Rossi (1623), “O Magnum Mysterium” composed by Tomas Luis de Victoria dating back to the 16th Century, “Since First I Saw Your Face” composed by Thomas Ford Musicke Kindes (1607), “How Merrily We Live” composed by Michael Este (1606)  and a variety of other musical sets.

The families and their children were thankful to AAFH for hosting an evening of music by the Court & Country Vocal Ensemble.  The Director of the Ensemble, Sharon, said “The Court and Country Ensemble was very happy to come out and perform at a 2nd RMH”.  The group enjoyed a tour of the house and stayed for dinner with the families.  Once again, AAFH brought a bit of joy into the lives of young patients and their families staying at a RMH. 



Alyssa SAKs Delivered to Northwestern & AAFH 1st Board Meeting in Chicago

An initial delivery of 25 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) to Northwestern Medicine was made on Friday, April 10, 2017 by Mary Jane Johnson-Advisory Board member & Yoli Alvin-AAFH President.

Mary Jane & Yoli met with 9 staff members from Northwestern Medicine- Stacy Sanford (PhD, CBSM Clinical Psychologist), Tim Pearman (Psychologist), Kim Fairman (Supportive Oncology Education Coordinator), Caitlyn Busche (Dietitian), Lynn Galuska Elsen (RN/Supportive Oncology), Robin Katz (Social Worker /Hematology), Sandra Manley-Eichler (Social Worker), Miki Fox (Social Worker Intern) and Stacey Rogers (Administration Coordinator).  The staff members are associated with the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Program at Northwestern Medicine.  Approximately 70,000 young people between the ages of 15 - 39 are diagnosed with cancer in the U.S. each year.  The AYA assists adolescents and young adults take an active role in their care, to navigate the medical system as well as to understand and make decisions regarding their treatments.  

The Alyssa SAKs included journals, adult coloring books and drawing kits.  The Alyssa SAKs are available to teens and young adults between the ages of 10 and 21 who are staying at the hospital.   

We thank the staff from Northwestern Medicine in Chicago for giving us the opportunity to share Alyssa’s love of the Arts and sharing our programs offered by Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope!

On Friday, April 21 – AAFH held its first quarter 2017 Board meeting at RMH in Chicago.  It was a very productive meeting and the Board members enjoyed coming downtown for the evening.  We thank the Board for all their efforts in making the AAFH organization a continuing success!



50 Alyssa SAKs Delivered to University of Chicago Medicine & Comer Children’s

University of Chicago Medicine

First delivery of Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) was made to University of Chicago Medicine on Friday, April 7, 2017 by Mary Jane Johnson-Advisory Board member & Yoli Alvin-AAFH President.

We met with Sarah Sciortino who is with the Adolescent and Young Adult (AYA) Oncology Program at the University of Chicago Medicine.  Sarah took delivery of the SAKs on behalf of the AYA.  The goal of the AYA is to enable its teen and young adult patients to take an active role in their care and feel engaged during every step of their healthcare journey.  Click HERE for additional information on AYA.

Comer Children’s

We initially delivered Alyssa SAKs in August 2016 to Amy Carter-Childlife Specialist at Comer Children’s Hospital.  Amy introduced us to Yasuko Yoshihara, a registered Art Therapist, who has been with Comer for 14 years.  We were also introduced to Caroline Lindberg who is a resident of Geneva, IL and who graduated from Geneva High School just as Alyssa did.

Each hospital received 25 Alyssa SAKs which included journals, teen age appropriate coloring books and drawing kits.  The Alyssa SAKs will be available to teens and young adults between the ages of 10 and 21 being treated at the two hospitals.

We thank Sarah from University of Chicago Medicine and Amy from Comer Children’s for giving us the opportunity to share Alyssa’s love of music with patients at these hospitals and promoting the art and music programs offered by Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope!



Old Crow Smokehouse Charity Event

Many THANKS to everyone who attended the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope’s 1st charity event of 2017 at the Old Crow Smokehouse River North in Chicago.  Your participation in this event directly contributes to bring joy, hope and love to children and young adults being treated for cancer and other life threatening diseases.

A special thank you to Daniel Guerrero (Alyssa’s cousin), who coordinated the whole event with Samantha, the Old Crow Smokehouse’s owner.  Daniel sparked the idea of having a charity event at the Old Crow Smokehouse and he expended much effort in pulling this together.  Thanks also go out to Samantha for providing the atrium on the 2nd floor, the delicious BBQ, mac & cheese and all the drinks for our guests.

We want to express our appreciation to the donors, volunteers and winners of the silent auction and raffle items.

Our donors for the auction and raffle items include: McVey & Parsky, LLC – John O’Halloran & John Coleman (Sox Ticket Package), Danny Guerrero (32” TV), Joe Demar (Bluetooth Sony speaker), Salon Buzz Certificate (Collin & Jordan), Cat & Dog Goody Bag (Amanda Rico), Oil painting by Christian F. Scalise, Kernel’s Gourmet Popcorn, Villa Verone Italian Restaurant, The Little Traveler & The Geneva Spice House.

Our volunteers include: Rob Anderson (Photographer), Lupe Brueck (Raffle & Silent Auction Tables), Denise Cabrera (Registration Table), Alexis Guerrero (Raffle Ticket Sales), Carmen Ziegler & Sarah Ziegler (Alyssa Brochures).

Thanks go out to the auction and raffle winners for their generous contributions to the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope.  Know that you are having an impact on a young life!  With your help, we are giving HOPE to teens and young adult cancer patients through Music & Art.

Take a look at the pictures.  Everyone had a good time!



Teagan Gets Her Navy-Blue Ukelele


Teagan is a 15-year-old who was diagnosed with Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Stage 2A in December 2016.  Teagan’s doctor, Elaine Morgan, was also Alyssa’s Oncology Doctor.  Teagan lives with her family in Island Lake, IL, north of Chicago.  Her parents, Colleen and Matt take turns accompanying Teagan to her appointments at Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago.

Teagan likes to sing, play the keyboard & ukulele, and enjoys being a makeup artist.  Both Matt & Colleen said Teagan taught herself how to play the keyboard and ukulele and that she is very creative musically.

When Teagan was hospitalized at Lurie Children’s Hospital, she heard about the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope through Laura Pawuk who is the Board-Certified Music Therapist at Lurie Children’s Hospital.  Teagan submitted her gift request about 2 weeks ago.

On March 10th, Daniel (Alyssa’s cousin) arrived at Lurie Children’s Hospital and delivered a navy-blue ukulele to Teagan.  She was very happy when receiving the ukulele and immediately started displaying her creativeness and familiarity with the instrument. 

It’s children like Teagan our Foundation exists to bring a bit of Joy into their lives.  So don’t forget to join us at the Old Crow Smokehouse at 149 W. Kinzie St, River North in Chicago on Saturday, March 25th.  This will be our 1st charity event of 2017 and is being coordinated by Daniel Guerrero, Alyssa’s cousin.  Join us for Food, Drinks, Music, Auction & Raffles.  Help make a difference in a child’s life.  You don’t want to miss it!



AAFH Honors Gift Recipients at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Mexico

Thursday, February 23 & Monday, February 27, 2017, Yoli-President of Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope visited both the Viejo and Nuevo Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Mexico to honor the requests of 29 young adult cancer patients.

During this trip to Guadalajara, we also delivered 21 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) for a total of 50 gifts! 

We thank Dra. Veronica, Psic. Martha, Psic. Alma, Raul and Efrain for their volunteering efforts in helping us deliver these gifts to the patients.

Thursday, February 23 -Pictures of the Gift Recipients from Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Viejo - Adolfo, Natalia, Perla, Jose, Karla, Diana and Juan Nicolas.

Monday, February 27 - Pictures of the Gift Recipients from Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Nuevo - Luis Eduardo, Jorge Antonio, Juan Carlos, Narciso, Edson Jair, Oliver Aldebaran, Jose Jonathan, Miguel Angel, Ana Cristina, Katherine Estefania, Juan Diego, Norma Judith, Christian, Jonathan Ysaac.  

Eight young adult cancer patients that were either in isolation or not admitted at the hospital at the time of our visit will receive their musical instrument or professional art materials by Dra. Veronica, Psic Martha or Psic Alma.



AAFH Goes to Expo Medica of Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Mexico & Meet Felix - AAFH Gift Recipient

On Wednesday, February 22, 2017 Yoli-President of Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope returned for a 3rd time to Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Mexico.   Yoli was an honorary guest at the Expo Medica XIX Congreso International Avances en Medicina (CIAM) Hospital Civil de Guadalajara.  She arrived with Psic. Martha Juarez and had the opportunity to meet the nuns of Capuchinas and Dr. Guillermo O'Leary Kirchner promoter of the cultural association of the Historic Museum de la Medicina of the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara.  At the Expo Medica, Dr. Guillermo unveiled the sculpture of Obispo Fray Antonio Alcalde (1701 -1792) who was the founder of Hospital Civil de Guadalajara and showed us the display of Obispo Fray Antonio's heart at the Expo. 

Yoli reunited with Dr. Fernando Sanchez Zubieta who is the head of the Hemotology & Oncology Pediatric Unit at the Juan I. Menchaca Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Nuevo and Dr. Horacio Padilla Munoz who is the Head of Pediatrias at the Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Viejo.  Yoli met Psic. Silvia Hernandez Gallegos who assisted in the planning of the CIAM Expo.  Finally, it was a pleasure to meet Dr. Hilario Coronado who is the Head of Intensive Care Unit at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Viejo.

In the afternoon, our first gift recipient was Felix a 19 year old with leukemia and down syndrome at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara Viejo.  Felix was very excited to receive his guitar as he enjoys singing and playing guitar with a Mariachi band.  Felix said, "I no longer have to borrow a guitar".  Felix and his family thank AAFH for bringing joy to the young adults like him in Guadalajara, Mexico.






A Valentines Art Night at RMH near Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago

The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) held a special Art Night on Valentine’s Day at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Chicago on Tuesday, February 14, 2017. 

Young patients of all ages and their parents participated in the early Valentine’s keepsake box decorating with acrylic paints. 

The generous donation of the craft heart shaped boxes, paint brushes and acrylic paints was made by two sisters: Jean Grupe & Doris Burdick from Chicago, IL.  They owned a craft shop in the Northside of Chicago and Jean said, “I hope this will help in some small way!

We thank Jean and Doris for all the craft material and paint supplies for the Art Night! 

All the participants had fun decorating the Valentine’s boxes including the volunteers (Daniel-Alyssa’s cousin and Tara-a family friend).  We are glad to have brought happiness and joy to all the participating patients and their families for the evening.



Music Night at the RMH near Loyola University Medical Center

The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) held the first Music Night at the Ronald McDonald House near Loyola University Medical Center in Hines, IL on Thursday, February 9, 2017.  A family band called the Summer Monkeys performed for the families and the young patients staying at the House.

There are 6 siblings and they all play various musical instruments.  George is 17 years old and plays piano and violin just as Alyssa did!  Isabel is 15 years old and the lead singer and bass guitarist.  Adam is 14 years old and plays the acoustic guitar.  Emily is 11 years old and plays the drums and is the back-up vocalist.  Eliana is 10 years old and plays tambourine, maracas and is also a back-up vocalist.  Jack is 9 years old and is a guitarist for the band.

The Summer Monkeys performance was great and everyone enjoyed the music.  A few of the songs they played were Riptide, Barbara Ann, Summer of 69’, Surfin’ USA and Beverly Hills.  You can go to their website to check them out! 



Winners of Women Who Care (WWC) Donation

On January 31, 2017, Mary Jane Johnson (WWC Member and AAFH Board member) along with Yoli Alvin (AAFH President) attended the first 2017 WWC quarterly meeting in downtown Geneva, IL.

100 Women Who Care is a new organization founded in March of 2015 by Teresa Keenan, Terry Ayres, and Martha Brown.  The Mission of the organization is to help the local community by bringing together at least 100 women who are willing to donate $100 each to a local charity, four times per year.  The group meets once per quarter and within an hour or so at each meeting $10,000 is awarded to a local charity. 

Mary Jane and Yoli were invited by WWC to give a presentation on how a $10,050 donation awarded to the AAFH would be used.  They provided an overview of the AAFH Music and Art Programs and how the programs would benefit the young gift recipients fighting cancer or a life-threatening disease.  Mary Jane and Yoli on behalf of the AAFH expressed their sincere gratitude for being winners of the WWC Award.    



100 of Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) Delivered to 8 institutions in January

Deliveries of Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were made to three Chicago area hospitals and one hospital in Florida:  John’s Hopkins All Children’s Hospital, St. Petersburg, FL (Jan. 4th), Northwestern Medicine-Delnor Hospital, Geneva, IL (Jan. 10th), Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago, IL (Jan. 12th) and Northwestern Medicine-Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL (Jan. 13th).

Visits were also made to three Ronald McDonald Houses (RMHs) in the Chicago area and one RMH in Florida during January:  RMH East in St. Petersburg, FL. (Jan. 4th), RMH near Lurie Children’s (Jan. 12th), RMH near Loyola (Jan. 16th) and RMH near Central DuPage (Jan. 27th). 

Marianne Cirone (AAFH Board Member) delivered the first Alyssa SAKs to Northwestern Medicine – Delnor Hospital on January 10th to Trina Krischon, Child Life Specialist.  Marianne first met Trina when she worked at Central DuPage Hospital about a year ago and we are happy to share Alyssa SAKs with teens and young adults being treated at Delnor with cancer and other life threatening illnesses.  Our hope is for the young patients to benefit and enjoy the art kits. 

We thank everyone who is making it possible to prepare and make donations for the art kits so more teens and young adults staying at hospitals can explore their creativeness with these art materials!



2nd Art Night at RMH near Loyola Medical Center

The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) held its second Art Night at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) near Loyola University Medical Center in Hines, IL on Monday, January 16, 2017. 

Young patients of all ages and their family members participated in the early Valentine’s Day box decorating acrylic paint activity. 

The generous donation of the craft boxes, paint brushes and acrylic paints was made by two sisters: Jean Grupe & Doris Burdick from Chicago, IL.  Jean and Doris were previously owners of a craft shop on Chicago’s north side and Jean stated, “I hope this will help in some small way!”

We thank Jean and Doris for all the craft materials and paint supplies for the Art Night!

All the participants had fun including the volunteers and this brought happiness and joy to all for the evening.



Austin Gets His Shock Yellow Powerbeats3

Austin is a 19-year-old being treated at All Children's Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL for omphalocoele, a rare abdominal wall birth defect in which the intestines, liver, and occasionally other organs remain outside of the abdomen in a sac.  Despite this, Austin exhibits a positive attitude which is reinforced by the strong support from his parents, Jennifer and Tom, and his younger brother, Dalton.

Austin and his family are from Ohio but for over a year now have been staying at the Ronald McDonald House's St. Pete East House.  This makes it ideal for Austin since All Children's Hospital is just a few steps away from the St. Pete East House. This is where Yoli, AAFH President, first met Austin and his family and offered Austin the opportunity to receive a gift from the AAFH.

Austin loves music and he expressed an interest in a set of Powerbeats3 Wireless In-Ear Headphones in Shock Yellow.  We were glad to fulfill Austin's request and on January 13, I had the privilege of delivering the Powerbeats3 Headphones to Austin and meeting his family at the St. Pete East House.

Austin is blessed with a great and loving family who are instrumental in helping Austin regain his health.  We pray for Austin's health and continued strength for his family to help him get through his ordeal.
