It’s been about a month since we made our last delivery of Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) to the Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago on Friday, February 28, 2020.

Due to Covid-19, we are temporarily stopping all of the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope activities and events. Our Spring fundraising event, La Fiesta de Musica, will be rescheduled for later in the 2nd quarter of 2020. In conjunction with the Spring fundraising event, raffle ticket sales will continue and culminate at the rescheduled La Fiesta de Musica.

We hope you all stay healthy and safe with your family.

The delivery of 50 Alyssa SAKs was received by Art Therapists of Children Services, Willow Messier and her newly hired assistant, Giuseppina Impellizzeri. Some of you remember Willow’s name as she was one of Alyssa’s art therapists during her stay at Lurie’s.

Willow was also particularly important in helping us develop the Alyssa Starter Art Kits. She guided us in selecting the appropriate supplies contained within each kit. We are very grateful to Willow and know that she and Giuseppina will do great work with the teens and young adult oncology patients that they serve in the hospital.

Alyssa’s spirit and her love for art and music continue to inspire our efforts. We have met so many wonderful people, the professional staff , the volunteers and most importantly, the young patients and family members we serve.
