The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope was awarded a generous donation in the amount of $6,750 from the St. Charles 100 Women Who Care. 100 Women Who Care is an organization founded by Susan Liechti, Lori Linkimer, and others. The organization has fewer than 100 members and is currently seeking more memberships.

The Mission of the organization is to make an impact on the community by each woman donating $100 to a local charity selected at a meeting. The group meets once per quarter and, within an hour’s time, money is awarded to a local charity. At each meeting, three members are chosen randomly to present their choice of a local non-profit 501 (c) 3 organization they wish to nominate for consideration. The three members are given 5 minutes each to present their charity to the group. Afterwards, the group votes on which charity will receive the support.

Debbie Carr and Joanna Martin presented Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) on Monday, January 20, 2020 at the WWC meeting. After the presentations, the group voted by ballot and the ballots were tallied. AAFH organization was the charity with the most votes and won the proceeds from that evening.

We are grateful to Debbie and Joanna who believe in the healing power of music and art for the young patients going through life-threatening diseases. It is organizations like 100 WWC who help us continue bringing joy and hope to teens and young adult patients every day through our music and art programs.

Thursday, February 29, 2020, Susan, Lori, Debbie, and Joanna stopped by the Alvin Residence in Geneva, IL, to deliver the $6,750 donation checks. We thank all the 100 Women Who Care from St Charles and wish you a wonderful Year!
