Dra. Martha Juarez from Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde de Guadalajara presented several young adult patients with their requested gifts on Monday, May 14, 2018.  Also, wanted to share that Dra. Martha was involved in the first festival of Psicologia at the hospital.  Dra. Martha is very active promoting both the music and art programs of Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope in Guadalajara's civil children hospitals. Jonathan, a 15-year-old received his new trumpet, Mariana a 19 year-old received her new violin, Sofia, a 14 year-old received her new electronic keyboard and Jorge, a 18 year-old received his new guitar.  

Many thanks to Dra. Martha for promoting Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope to the teens and young adult patients being treated for various cancers at Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde de Guadalajara-Jalisco, Mexico. It's great to continue sharing Alyssa's love of music with young patients around the world!
