Tuesday, August 15th, the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope sponsored an Art Night at the Ronald McDonald House in Winfield, IL.

Several young people – patients and their siblings – were thrilled to use their artistic talents in creating colorful keepsakes for themselves and their families. 

We remember how Alyssa tapped into her own previously undiscovered passion for visual arts during her stay at the hospital for chemo and treatments for infections.  We know that the focus Alyssa put into her art work helped her to recover from having been in a coma at one point during one of her hospital stays.  The distraction of her self-expression through the art she made brought her relief from the pain, discomfort and stress she experienced during her treatments.  We are still able to experience much joy today through the art creations of others that reminds us of Alyssa’s beautiful talent.

We know the time we put into the Art Nights create opportunities for other families to share in that same joy and passion that Alyssa had.  Our efforts keep Alyssa’s legacy alive and continue to bring happiness into peoples’ lives now and into the future.
