
3rd Quarter Gift Deliveries at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Jalisco

In the 3rd quarter of 2023, AAFH Board Member, Dra. Martha Juarez and Dra. Alma Delgadillo delivered gifts to twenty young patients receiving treatment at Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde & Hospital Civil Menchaca. The gifts consisted of acoustic guitars, art supplies, music headphones and keyboards.

These young patients at Hospital Civil are brought to our attention by Dra. Martha and Dra. Alma so we can fulfill their requests for a gift that will lift their spirits and give them a bit of joy while undergoing treatments for their life-threatening illnesses.

We thank Dra. Martha and Dra. Alma for their support in bringing these gifts to the young patients in Hospital Civil.

Please consider bringing joy & hope to a young patient by clicking here DONATE. Thank you for your donations!

Adolfo 15 y/o - Keyboard Anyeline 15 y/o - Guitar Byron 12 y/o - Guitar Cesar 17 y/o - Headphones

Diego 15 y/o - Art Supplies Emilio 20 y/o - Keyboard Gretel 12 y/o - Art Supplies Hiromi 10 y/o - Art Supplies

Irwing 20 y/o - Keyboard Javier 13 y/o - Headphones Kenia 10 y/o Keyboard Kenneth 21 y/o - Keyboard

Luna 14 y/o - Guitar Pablo 15 y/o - Headphones Raul 16 y/o - Art Supplies Reynaldo 16 y/o - Art Supplies

Rosa 18 y/o - Headphones Stephany 16 y/o - Art Supplies Vanessa 17 y/o - Guitar Ximena 11 y/o - Guitar



Olivia Receives AAFH Gift & Art Kits Donated to RMH at Advocate Children’s Hospital

Lori Macey from Advocate Childlife and Alyssa’s volunteer presented Olivia accompanied by her Mom with her Apple magic keyboard and stylus pen on Monday, August 28, 2023. Olivia is 14-year-old and likes everything related to visual arts including working with clay, crafting and drawing. She was very excited to receive her high-tech art tools which will take her into new realms of creativity.

On the same day, Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were delivered to the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) near Advocate Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL. The House Manager, Caitlin Nelson, received a variety of Alyssa SAKs.

The SAKs included colored pencil art kits, drawing kits, watercolor & acrylic paint kits. The Alyssa SAKs will be given to the children and young adult patients staying at the RMH. The art materials allow young people to be creative and express themselves in fun ways while undergoing treatment for their illnesses.

We are thankful that we can share Alyssa’s love for the arts with others.

If you want to put a smile on a young patient’s face, please click DONATE to make a donation of any amount.



La Festa Italiana

Join us for a fun and worthwhile La Festa Italiana event at Villa Verone Ristorante Italiano in Geneva, IL. On November 12, 2023, between 4pm-7pm, supporters and friends will gather in support of our mission to give hope and joy to young cancer patients through our gift giving of music and art!

Attendees will partake in a delicious Italian buffet dinner and in multiple raffles for art and gourmet gift baskets from our local Geneva businesses.

Hop on over to our website for tickets at $75 each, otherwise, $90 at the door, Click here for online tickets.



Alyssa SAKs Donated to Advocate Children’s Hospital

Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) delivered 35 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) to Advocate Children’s Hospital in Oak Lawn, IL on Tuesday, August 1, 2023. The SAKs delivery consisted of various kits such as coloring books, drawing books, colored pencils, journals, color markers and watercolor art kits. The Alyssa SAKs were accepted by Lori Mackey, Art Therapist.

Lori has been a great partner with AAFH in finding young patients who are a match for our gift program. With the support of therapists like Lori, children and young adults can request specific art materials or a musical instrument up to a value of $250. We appreciate Lori’s ongoing enthusiasm and passion for her work with children.

We are grateful to all the therapists who work alongside the medical staff in the healing process for the young patients we serve. 

If you would like to bring a smile to a young patient fighting a life-threatening illness, please partner with us by clicking on DONATE today!




A donation of 50 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) was delivered to Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL on Thursday, July 13, 2023.

The Johns Hopkins’ Alyssa SAK delivery was received by LaWanda, Administrative Coordinator. LaWanda told us the Alyssa SAKs continue to be a popular item to the teens & young adult patients at Johns Hopkins. It enables the young patients to relax and express their creativity for the time they are in-patient at the hospital.

At each delivery we continue meeting so many wonderful people from the professional staff at the hospitals and Ronald McDonald Houses, the volunteers and most importantly, the children and the family members we serve.

Donate today by clicking here DONATE.



Gift Deliveries to Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Jalisco

In the 2nd quarter of 2023, AAFH Board Member, Dra. Martha Juarez and Dra. Alma Delgadillo delivered gifts to seven young patients receiving treatment at Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde & Hospital Civil Menchaca. The gifts consisted of acoustic guitars, art materials, music headphones and a keyboard.

These young patients at Hospital Civil are brought to our attention by Dra. Martha and Dra. Alma so we can fulfill their requests for a gift that will lift their spirits and give them a bit of joy while undergoing treatments for their life-threatening illnesses.

We thank Dra. Martha and Dra. Alma for their support in bringing these gifts to the young patients in Hospital Civil.

Please consider bringing joy & hope to a young patient by clicking here DONATE. Thank you for your donations!

1st Row: Angelica 14 y/o Art Kit - Edward 10 y/o Keyboard - José 15 y/o Art Kit - Kevin 15 y/o Guitar

2nd Row: Mario 11 y/o Guitar - Raúl 16 y/o Art Kit - Sofia 10 y/o Art Kit - René 16 y/o Art Kit



SAKs Delivery to RMH East

On Saturday, June 24, 2023, a donation of 45 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) was delivered to the Ronald McDonald House East (RMH East) located near Johns Hopkins All Children’s Hospital in St. Petersburg, FL. During the past 8 years, AAFH has been delivering donations of various art kits to RMH East in St. Petersburg, FL.

The RMH East delivery was received by Isabella-the weekend RMH East House Manager. Isabella took delivery of drawing art kits, nature coloring books, acrylic art kits, watercolor art kits and colored pencils art kits.

It is our hope that these art kits, inspired by Alyssa’s spirit and love for art, will bring smiles and joy to the young patients staying at the RMH East house.

If you would like to bring a smile to a young patient fighting a life-threatening illness, please partner with us by clicking on DONATE today!



Art Delivery at Central DuPage Hospital & Ronald McDonald House

Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were received by Dora Castro-Ahillen, Child Life Manager in the PEDS/PICU department at Northwestern Central DuPage Hospital, Winfield, IL on June 16, 2023.  The art materials included nature coloring books, drawing kits, journal kits, colored pencil kits and acrylic art kits.   Dora is another child life professional who exudes her enthusiasm for working with young patients and appreciates the SAKs that our foundation provides for their enjoyment. 

A second SAKs delivery was received by Westyn Garber, Volunteer Services Manager on the same day at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) near Central DuPage Hospital .  The art materials included nature coloring books, drawing kits, journal kits, colored pencil kits and acrylic art kits.   Westyn was happy to receive our donation and knows that the SAKs not only provide creative expression for the young patients but are also impactful to the families of those patients. 

 We are very happy to provide these small gifts in memory of our precious daughter, Alyssa, and her passion for art, music and life. 

The young patients are happy to have the creative outlet with these art kits while facing serious health challenges.  It allows them to express themselves and let go of their concerns while making something beautiful that they and their families can cherish. 

If you want to put a smile on a young patient’s face, please click DONATE to make a donation of any amount.



Art Kit Delivery to Lurie Children's Hospital

Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were delivered to Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago on June 14, 2023.  A total of 40 Alyssa SAKs were received by Willow Messier and included nature coloring books, drawing kits, journal kits, colored pencil kits and acrylic art kits.

Willow was joined by her assistant, Giuseppina, and the two of them have worked closely with AAFH for several years through their work as art therapists at Lurie Children’s.  On a daily basis, they see how impactful art can be in providing creative outlets for the young patients facing serious medical challenges.

We are happy to partner with Lurie Children’s in giving hope to young patients in Alyssa’s memory. You can help us make a positive impact in these young patients’ lives and in keeping the legacy of Alyssa’s love for the arts alive.  Click DONATE to make a donation of any amount.



Art Kit Delivery at Ronald McDonald House near Comer Children's Hospital

30 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were delivered to the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) near Comer Children’s Hospital in Chicago on June 12, 2023.  The assorted art materials included nature coloring books, drawing kits, journal kits, colored pencil kits and acrylic art kits.  Alex Keane, RMH House Manager, received the Alyssa SAKs.

Though we didn’t get to see the long-time RMH House Director, Mardelle Gundlach, on this visit, we would like to congratulate her on her retirement.  We have enjoyed eight years of friendship with Mardelle in serving the young residents at the RMH and their families.

We are grateful to work with the dedicated professionals who share our desire to bring hope and joy to young patients facing life-threatening illnesses.

You can help us make a positive impact in these young patients’ lives and in keeping the legacy of Alyssa’s love for the arts alive.  Click DONATE to make a donation of any amount.



Alyssa SAKs Delivered to Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital

Mary Jane, Board member of the Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope, (AAFH) delivered 50 Alyssa SAKs to Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Wheaton, IL on Tuesday, May 9, 2023. Erin Murphy from Marianjoy’s Childlife received 5 different types of art kits -watercolor paint kits, journal kits, coloring book kits, drawing and colored pencil kits. The Alyssa SAKs will be given to young patients undergoing treatments for cancer or other life-threatening diseases.

Alyssa’s spirit and her love for art and music continue to inspire our efforts. Young patients and their family members are grateful and appreciate of the art materials provided by Alyssa’s foundation.

You can help us make a positive impact in these young patients’ lives and in keeping the legacy of Alyssa’s love for the arts alive.  Click DONATE to make a donation of any amount.

Another way to assist us is to attend our upcoming La Fiesta de Arte in November 2023, specific date and details are forthcoming.



La Fiesta de Musica 2023

The Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope (AAFH) held its annual Fiesta de Musica fundraiser at the Green Street Grille in Bensenville, IL on Sunday, May 21, 2023.

All raffle tickets for three main prizes were sold prior to the event. The $1,000 first prize winner was Bobby G., the $500 second prize winner was Michael Munro and the 3rd prize (43” UHD) Smart TV was won by Carmen Ziegler. Michael Munro, in an extraordinarily generous act, donated the entire $500 second prize winnings back to AAFH.

There were also opportunities for additional winners to take home gift baskets raffled and purchased by attendees. We had one of our biggest, in person events this year buoyed by great weather and friends in attendance from as far away as Guadalajara, Mexico.

Much gratitude to everyone who attended, bought raffle tickets, donated items for the gift baskets as well as our ongoing circle of family, friends, supporters, and volunteers who make our foundation so impactful all year round to the young patients and their family members who benefit from our programs.

Special thanks to Michael Munro for hosting our fundraiser at his restaurant, Green Street Grille. Please check out and support all our generous donors listed on our website.

We are forever grateful to all of you who keep Alyssa’s legacy alive by sharing her love for art and music.

If you were not able to participate this time and would still like to donate to bring joy and hope to young patients facing life-threatening illnesses, please click DONATE!



Miguelito & His Joy of Music

We were recently provided with a short video of Miguelito, a young patient at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Jalisco, MX. The video shows Miguelito having fun with his small guitar playing to the music he enjoyed listening to. This illustrates the power and benefits of music to young patients dealing with life threatening diseases. It gives them joy to get through each day.

Sadly, Miguelito recently passed away from his illness, but his mother sent us a short video clip showing Miguelito’s joy while playing with his guitar to music. We know his family is deeply saddened and we pray they find solace in their beautiful memories of him and that they remain steadfast in their faith that they will see him again.

If you are so inclined, please pray for Miguelito and his family.



Constellation Volunteers Assemble 400 Alyssa Starter Art Kits

Constellation employees at 4 business locations assembled Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) on Thursday, April 19, 2023. A total of 75 volunteers put together 400 Alyssa SAKs. This volunteer effort was sponsored by Constellation Architecture & Engineering VP – Shaina Green at the Cantera Office in Winfield, IL, KSQ Office in Kenneth Square, PA, IES DePere, WI and BHQ in Baltimore, MD.

The completed art kits were donated and delivered to children hospitals near these office locations: Edward Children Hospital in Naperville, IL, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), Philadelphia, PA, St. Vincent Children’s Hospital in Green Bay, WI and Johns Hopkins Children’s Hospital in Baltimore, MD. The Alyssa SAKs will be given to young patients undergoing treatments for cancer and other life-threatening illnesses.

Yoli - Senior Project Manager in Architecture & Engineering IT Team, is Founder and President of Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope organization for 8 years since its inception. Employees have previously supported AAFH volunteer events and have made generous donations through the matching programs and payroll deductions. We are very appreciative of their continued support of AAFH.

A special “Thank You” goes out to Toni Pedroza who was instrumental in planning and organizing this volunteer event through her involvement as a Constellation Powering Communities Volunteer Impact Leader.

We also thank the leads at the various sites: BHQ – Albert DiBuonaventura and Tashwan Worjoloh, KSQ-Tim Martzall, IES DePere-Stephen Komp, and Cantera Office-Toni Pedroza.

We appreciate all the participants who volunteered their time and energy in assembling the Alyssa Starter Art Kits which will bring hope and joy to young patients at these four hospitals.

Please help us in our efforts to spread joy and hope to young patients facing life threatening illnesses by donating now! Just click here DONATE.



San Jose, CA Cousins Deliver Alyssa SAKs to RMH near Lurie’s

50 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were delivered to the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) near Lurie Children’s Hospital on Friday, April 14, 2023 by Alyssa’s cousins: Daniel Guerrero, Amilio Guerrero, Mark Hernandez, Elias Hernandez and Markie Hernandez.

Abby Millner, RMH Volunteer Manager, received the Alyssa SAKs which included watercolor paint kits, coloring book kits, drawing pad kits, journal kits and colored pencil kits. Abby told us that the professional art materials are a big hit with the children and young adults who stay there, and it is a special place that Alyssa enjoyed while she stayed there herself.

During this visit, Alyssa’s cousins took the opportunity to visit Alyssa’s memorial brick on RMH’s rooftop. Besides Alyssa’s name on the brick, there is also engraved two of Alyssa’s favorite musical instruments which she played brilliantly, a piano and violin.

The RMH near Lurie’s will always be a special place for the Alvin family. We are so happy our professional art materials allow other children and young adults to explore their artistic talents. We carry on Alyssa’s legacy of sharing and giving to others just like her with our gift giving program and SAKs donations to RMHs and hospitals treating their young patients for life threatening illnesses.

Please help us continue our mission and make a difference in a young patient’s life, click DONATE now!



Charlotte Receives Art Materials at Lurie Children’s Hospital

A gift request for professional art materials was delivered to 10-year-old, Charlotte, at Lurie Children’s Hospital in Chicago on Tuesday, April 4, 2023.

Michelle, Charlotte’s mom, was contacted on the morning of the delivery and she told us that Charlotte was having a tough day. We understood knowing how uncomfortable, painful and all around dispiriting the treatments for cancer can be.

Michelle came down to meet us outside the hospital and accepted Charlotte’s gift that included a large portfolio case, an easel, several canvasses, acrylic paints, brushes, markers, colored pencils and more. Michelle took pictures of her daughter and we were thrilled to see that a smiling Charlotte and the text message from her mom that we had brightened her gloomy day.

Every day we are reminded of the Joy and Hope that art and music bring to the young patients we serve.

We are grateful to our community of supporters of AAFH who share our mission and keep Alyssa’s memory alive.

Please help us bring a smile to a child being treated for a life-threatening illness by clicking DONATION today!



Beats Headphones Bring Joy to Jose

Jose Muniz is an 18-year-old young man from Cicero, IL who loves listening and dancing to music according to his mom, Rosa.

We met Jose at Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago Outpatient Center to deliver his gift of a Beats headphone before his medical appointment on Friday, March 31, 2023. Jose and his mom were thrilled to receive his Beats headphone. His mother was so thankful she sent us her own pictures of Jose smiling with joy.

Jose was excited when he found out through Lurie’s Child Life staff that he could submit a gift request for professional art supplies or musical instruments. Once we received Jose’s gift request, we immediately acquired the Beats headphone and made arrangements to present his Beats at his next appointment at Lurie’s.

We recall our daughter Alyssa’s own joy with her involvement in the arts and are happy to share this joy with others facing their own health challenges in her memory.

Please click here DONATE if you want to make a difference in a young person’s life going through their medical treatment.



Gifts Delivered to Young Patients at Hospital Civil de Guadalajara, Jalisco

In the 1st quarter of 2023, AAFH Board Member, Dra. Martha Juarez and Dra. Alma Delgadillo delivered gifts to eight young patients receiving treatment at Hospital Civil Fray Antonio Alcalde & Hospital Civil Menchaca. The gifts consisted of acoustic guitars, art materials, music headphones and a keyboard.

These young patients at Hospital Civil are brought to our attention by Dra. Martha and Dra. Alma so we can fulfill their requests for a gift that will lift their spirits and give them a bit of joy while undergoing treatments for their life-threatening illnesses.

We thank Dra. Martha and Dra. Alma for their support in bringing these gifts to the young patients in Hospital Civil.

Please consider bringing joy & hope to a young patient by clicking here DONATE. Thank you for your donations!

Top - Left to Right

Alba 13 y/o Guitar America 13 y/o Headphones Cesar 21 y/o Art Kit Isaac 17 y/o Guitar

Bottom - Left to Right

Jesús 15 y/o Art Kit Jose 20 y/o Keyboard Maria 20 y/o Art Kit Yosgart 14 y/o Guitar



Donation of Alyssa SAKs to Cleveland Clinic Children’s Outpatient Center

Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were delivered to Cleveland Clinic Children’s Outpatient Center by Claudinha, a prior gift recipient’s mom & AAFH Volunteer, on Monday, March 27, 2023.

Claudinha and her family first met Yoli 5 years ago when her son, Joao Pedro (JP) was being treated at Shriners Children’s Florida Hospital in Tampa. Due to JP’s health situation, the Goncalves family relocated from Itupeva, Brazil to Avon, Ohio and continue to obtain the required care for JP at Shriner’s in Oak Park, IL.

Claudinha and her family are volunteers of Alyssa Alvin Foundation for Hope and wanted to share Alyssa’s SAKs with young patients at Cleveland Clinic, so we contacted Meredith McCulloch - ChildLife Manager. Meredith received the SAKs and expressed her appreciation for the donation of these professional art materials.

We thank Claudinha and her family for continuing to volunteer and supporting our organization.

We are grateful for the wonderful volunteers who make it possible for us to provide professional art materials to young patients across our country and allow them to self-express themselves and carry on with our mission in Alyssa’s memory.

Donate today by clicking here DONATE.



150 Alyssa Art Kits Donated to Hospitals – Rush, Advocate & AbilityLab

50 Alyssa Starter Art Kits (SAKs) were delivered by Alyssa’s cousin, Rachel, a Rush Hospital employee, to Rush University Children’s Hospital in Chicago, IL. Sydney and Megan, Music and Art Therapists, received our donation on Thursday, March 24, 2023.

50 SAKs were delivered to Advocate Children’s Hospital in Park Ridge, IL. Summer Brunson, and her colleague, Kate, received the art packages on Tuesday, March 21, 2023.

50 SAKs were delivered to the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab in Chicago, IL. Mike Wehner, and his colleague, Anna received a variety of art packages on Monday, March 20, 2023.

Much gratitude for the SAKs donations were expressed by the staff on behalf of the children who will enjoy the art kits. We enthusiastically continue these deliveries of SAKs in memory of our precious daughter, Alyssa, and her love of sharing and the arts.

Please make a difference in a young patient’s life by donating today. Just click DONATE.
